More Than Tired: A look at Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

We all experience exhaustion at times in our lives, and usually, a few good nights’ sleep and some self-care can get us back on track.  Occasionally, fatigue becomes chronic and other intervention is in order.  Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a relatively new condition, having only been recognized by the Centers for Disease Control since 1988.
According to the US Department of Health and Services Office on Women’s Health, experts say that one million people currently suffer from the condition, although fewer than 20 percent of these cases have been diagnosed.  Women are four times more likely to have disease, which most commonly presents between the ages of 40 – 59.
Symptoms of CFS vary widely and can include feeling extreme tiredness or weakness, as well as the following:
•    Feeling very tired for more than a day after physical or mental exercise
•    Forgetting things or having a hard time focusing
•    Feeling tired even after sleeping
•    Muscle pain or aches
•    Pain or aches in joints without swelling or redness
•    Headaches of a new type, pattern, or strength
•    Tender lymph nodes in the neck or under the arm
•    Sore throat
Recently, research has uncovered a possible connection between CFS and a virus called gammaretrovirus.  Even with this new information, the jury is still out on the cause and treatment for the syndrome.  Dr. Joseph Mercola believes that the various potential causes boil down to one thing:  an improperly functioning immune system.  Here are some of his thoughts on steps patients with CFS can take to reduce symptoms:
1.    Bio Energetic Normalization:  Dr. Mercola describes this as acupuncture

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without the needles that alleviates energy blockages in your system that can affect overall health.  Read more about this technique on Dr. Mercola’s website.
2.    Dietary Changes:  To offset a range of health concerns, look into your nutritional type.  Discover yours here.
3.    Exercise:  Dr. Mercola advises that a combination of aerobic activity and strength training can relieve fatigue symptoms.  Even gentle exercise, like yoga, can help.
4.    Avoidance of Toxic Substances:  Do this by limiting processed foods and other chemicals in your diet.
5.    Sleep:  Ensure that you get restorative, quality sleep each and every night.
If you feel you’re experiencing extreme fatigue or any of the other possible symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, discuss them with your doctor.  If you’ve already been diagnosed, consider adding some of Dr. Mercola’s complimentary measures to your treatment regime.  And rest assured, there are steps you can take to relieve your symptoms.
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The information included on this site is for informational purposes only. It is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. The reader should always consult his or her healthcare provider to determine the appropriateness of the information for their own situation or if they have any questions regarding a medical condition or treatment plan. Reading the information on this website does not create a physician-patient relationship.
