If someone told you that memory loss wasn’t a normal part of aging, you’d probably think that they were full of bologna. The reality, however, is that while memory loss might not technically be a normal part of growing old, it is a common side effect. And that’s because many adults have spent a lifetime of not getting enough sleep or exercise. Stress and unhealthy diets just compound the problem. In the following video, Dr. Mark Hyman says that memory loss is not only avoidable, but it’s also reversible. The editors of the UltraWellness YouTube Channel explain that the video
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Archives for diet
Learning about methods to prevent or slow macular degeneration
Last week, we here at Freedom Home Care dedicated a blog to explain age-related macular degeneration, a condition that affects more than 15 million Americans. In that blog, we promised to deliver methods that could help those who suffer from AMD. And thanks to the editors at AllAboutVision.com, we learned that there are multiple ways to do so. Here are a 11 guidelines, courtesy of AllAboutVision.com, to help prevent or slow the progression of AMD: 1. Don’t smoke. Period. 2. Eat plenty of dark, leafy green vegetables, such as raw spinach. Just a half cup of raw spinach three times
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Understanding age-related vision decline
The signs of aging – if only they didn’t exist. Unfortunately, however, there are many ways in which the body will change as the years progress. Failing vision is just one of many areas where older individuals will experience the signs of aging, and therefore, it is by no means rare. In fact, it’s one of the most common aspects to growing old. Macular degeneration, a progressive eye condition, affects nearly 15 million Americans, and its numbers are growing as Baby Boomers reach their 60s and 70s. According to AMD.org, the website for the Macular Degeneration Partnership, “the disease attacks the
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The importance of maintaining a healthy diet – even after a heart attack
A recent study revealed that not only does a healthy diet reduce the risk of a first-time heart attack; it can also reduce the risk of repeat heart attacks for those who already have heart disease. Most people understand the importance of a healthy diet, but according to the study, it’s wise to maintain that healthy way of living and especially so after suffering from a heart attack. “At times, patients don’t think they need to follow a healthy diet, since their medications have already lowered their blood pressure and cholesterol—that is wrong,” Mahshid Dehghan, a study author and a
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Consider a sundae this Sunday for your aging loved one
Often times, we here at Freedom Home Care focus our blogging efforts on ways for elderly individuals to stay safe and healthy while living at home. A lot can change as we grow older, and with that change comes the need to adopt new habits. Adjustments to diet and nutrition might not have to come with quite as many sacrifices, however, as far as frail elderly are concerned. According to AgingCare.com, “there is a misperception that frail elderly peo diflucan ple should adhere to the same low-fat, low-calorie diet that is recommended for the general population.” Dr. Amy Ehrlich, associate
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