Senior Population Growing Rapidly

Many people around the country are hitting that mark of becoming a senior. According to NBC News, it is estimated that by the year 2050, there will be more people over 60 than people under the age of 15 around the world.  And while it’s wonderful that medical advances are helping seniors live longer than ever, the imbalance between ages may mean more hardships for the seniors.
For example, it may mean that seniors will have to work longer to support themselves.  Particularly with the struggling economy, many seniors do not have enough retirement to fall back on and their children are in no financial position to help.  Although seniors may find a job more to their liking than in their younger years, they may need to keep working longer than they would like.
Also, with fewer financial resources available to some, more seniors will not have the option to live in a nursing home due to cost.  More will live at home with a caregiver or with their children.  These options are usually agreeable to the senior, but it does restrict their choices.
Although this shift will affect many, we are lucky to live in the country that we do.  Out of the countries dealing with the challenges of a surging senior population, the U.S. rates eighth.  But perhaps in a few years, the recession will be over and seniors will have more options than ever.
Visit Freedom Home Care to learn how our services can help you and your family. We provide expert senior in-home care. Give us a call today.