Caring for a Childless Relative

As our older loved ones age, the need may arise for assistance from family members, as health concerns leave them unable to be as independent as they once were.
Determining the best way to go about meeting the needs of your relative can be difficult without a long-term care plan in place.
There are a few things that you can do to help your older one decide what the proper course of action will be for them as an individual – what they expect, what their needs are, if they will need personalized care services, etc.
According to the Department of Health and Human Services, out of the 40.3 million seniors in the U.S. over the age of 65, 28 million will require long-term care.
With that said, some experts recommend that seniors without children make plans to receive the help they need long before it’s actually necessary, by either saving enough money to pay for long-term care or investing in long-term care insurance.
If coming out of pocket for long-term care this is not feasible or if your loved one is already experiencing a decline in health, it’s best to sit down with them as soon you can to discuss what type of care they prefer and whether it would be the most appropriate plan for your family.
Here are a few basic questions that FHC came up with that you may want to consider when talking to your loved one.
What kind of care do they need? Will this change in the next few years along with their health?
Will they be more comfortable aging in place while receiving in-home care services or will a skilled nursing facility be the best choice?
If they do choose to stay at home and finances are an issue, would your schedule allow you or another family member the opportunity to meet their daily needs?
What are the costs associated with the care you’re choosing?
It’s also important to determine how your loved one will want his or her finances to be handled. Do they trust you or another family member to help pay their bills, create a will or if your senior is battling dementia, appoint a power a power of attorney?
Be sure that once you and your older loved one agree on who will be handling their financial matters, that that same person is provided with any passwords, banks accounts, retirement accounts, insurance policies, stocks, bonds, wills and trusts at the onset.
Working with your senior relative together as a team is one of the most important ways to ensure that they receive the best care plan possible.  If you looking for home care in Chicago, Freedom Home Care is here to assist.  Fill out our questionnaire and let us know how we can help!