Senior Health: Right Nourishment Equals More Energy!

senior exercise
The days are getting shorter and the air is getting cooler.  It suddenly becomes more difficult to start a daily exercise routine.  Heavy stews begin to sound more appetizing than light salads.  Our bodies begin to naturally slow down for the impending winter.
But don’t give up and fall into a routine of laziness just because of the change of season.  By nourishing your body, mind, and spirit, you can stay energized even through the coldest of months.

Nourish Your Body!

Watch your Diet.

It’s no surprise that we need to nourish our bodies to remain energized.  Eating protein-rich foods and drinking plenty of water will give you the nutrition you need to keep going.  Avoid heavy, fatty meals, which will only make you want to lay around for the rest of the day.

Keep Your Body Moving.

As far as exercise, anything that gets the heart pumping will increase your metabolism and keep you feeling ready to go.  A brisk walk or lively dancing can bring that nourishing oxygen into your body, giving the cells the energy they need to keep working well.

Get Enough Rest.

But it’s not all about eating and exercising.  The body also needs enough rest.  Get at least 6 hours of sleep per night to feel energized the next day.  But don’t sleep too much either!  Oversleeping can be just as bad as not getting enough rest when it comes to the next day’s energy levels.

Nourish Your Mind!

Stimulate Your Brain.

Learning something new can keep the mind active and help you lose the urge to fall into slower patterns.  Find something that interests you, and immerse yourself in it this fall.
Have you always been curious about airplanes and rockets?  Read aerospace books and visit air and space museums.  Always wanted to learn French?  This is the season to parlez-francais!  Does the ukulele look interesting?  Give it a whirl.  Keep your mind occupied with new undertakings.

Nourish Your Spirit!

Stay Social with Friends and Family.

Find what nourishes your spirit, and seek it out this fall.  If laughing with good friends is what makes you feel warm and fuzzy, organize weekly gatherings to chat with your chums.  If religion is what inspires you most, find classes or social groups at your local place of worship.

Take Time to Volunteer.

If helping others makes you feel on top of the world, charities would love your help as the holiday season approaches.  Whatever moves you, if you remain active with it, energy and a sense of purpose will follow.
As fall begins and our energy threatens to wane, nourish yourself.  Soon you will have the energy to carry you through this season and the ones ahead.
Freedom Home Care’s passionate team not only helps seniors with daily tasks, but offers companionship and comfort for seniors who wish to remain in the comfort of their home.  Learn more about our home care services on our website!