Archives for Alternative Therapy

Brain Challenge Test Could Predict Alzheimer's

What if there were a way to spot Alzheimer’s years before it was ever diagnosed? Currently, biomarker tests can help detect the disease twenty years before its onset. The procedure measures abnormal levels of the proteins beta-amyloid and tau, in spinal fluid. These proteins form plaques and tangles which researchers believe contribute to the development of Alzheimer’s. Alternatively, beta-amyloid and tau also help determine if those with underlying factors may be at risk of developing more serious forms of the disease. In addition to biomarker testing, scientists are using brain imaging to record images of any changes in the brain.
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Chair Yoga for Those Who Suffer From Arthritis

Chair Yoga is quickly becoming a preferred method of relieving some of the soreness, aches and pains associated with arthritis.  Often used by people who wouldn’t otherwise be able to perform more traditional moves, Chair Yoga is one of the more gentle forms of the exercise that’s practiced by sitting on a chair or standing up using a chair as support. While it’s not yet recognized as a distinct type of Yoga like Anusara or Ashtanga, Chair Yoga has been approved by the Arthritis Foundation and is recommended by many physicians for patients suffering from the condition. It may also
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Those with Chronic Pain are Turning to Alternative Therapy

  Pain is a major issue for many people in this country. One in five people experience chronic pain on a regular basis, while more than 54 percent of adults in the U.S. suffer from arthritis, lower back pain, sciatica and other musculoskeletal” pain disorders. When an injury occurs, the body sends a message to the nervous system signaling that something is wrong. This is called acute pain. With chronic pain, a patient may have suffered from arthritis, a sprained back or ear infection in the past, but the body still continues to send signals that something is wrong –
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