Three Common Myths about Dehydration

Summer is the time of sunshine, fun outside, and barbecues.  It is also the most common time of dehydration.  Here are some myths surrounding dehydration.
“I’ll know if I’m dehydrated.”
Many people think that the main symptom of dehydration is thirst, so they will know they are dehydrated when they get really thirsty.  Although thirst is a major symptom, other signs such as headaches, nausea, and drowsiness can be overlooked.  If you have a headache in the summertime, try drinking some extra fluids.  You may just be dehydrated.
“Hydrating is all about drinking water.”
Depending on what you eat, you can take in a third to a half of your water intake through what you eat.  In the warmer weather, try to eat fresh fruits and vegetables to compliment the water you are drinking.  Some produce that is particularly high in water content is cucumbers, watermelon, and oranges.  If fruit and veggies aren’t your thing, eat extra yogurt or oatmeal to get your water.
“As long as I’m drinking water, I won’t get dehydrated.”
Drinking enough fluids is great, but you also need to take into consideration what may be affecting your hydration levels.  If you are outside in the heat and sweating, you are losing lots of water.  Certain medications, particularly diuretics, cause increased urination and will affect hydration.  Even talking for long periods of time can affect the release of water, so take cues from your body to know when you need to re-hydrate.
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