Surprising Link Found Between Teeth and Dementia

When you skip your six-month dental cleaning, you’re doing more than hurting your teeth.  You may have heard that healthy teeth are related to a healthy heart.  But a new study is showing that unhealthy teeth may also be affecting other areas of your body as well – most importantly, your brain. Research has found a surprising link between individuals with gingivitis and unhealthy teeth and Dementia.
Gingivitis is inflammation of the gums, most commonly caused by bacterial biofilms, also called plaque.  While gingivitis may not always hurt the teeth, the bacteria may be able to make its way into the bloodstream and then the brain.  When studies were done on brains with dementia, a whopping 40% were found to have bacteria related to gingivitis in them.
So, how do you prevent gingivitis, and thus reduce the risk of dementia?

  1. Brushing and flossing.  Brush and floss your teeth at least once a day, although after each meal is best.
  2. Mouthwash.  Using mouthwash after brushing and flossing can reduce the risk of gingivitis.  Specifically using hydrogen peroxide as a mouthwash has been shown to reduce gingivitis.
  3. Going to the dentist regularly.  Getting your teeth cleaned and checked every six months is essential.  If gingivitis begins to form, the dentist can identify it and treat it.

So, stop putting off that trip to the dentist.  It may just help you reduce your risk of dementia. WebMD offers hundreds of resources in order to learn the correct diagnosis by identifying symptoms. Freedom Home Care offers excellent direct care for patients suffering from dementia. Our highly trained staff can help patients maintain a routine including brushing their teeth. To learn specifically how Freedom Home Care can help you, visit