The holidays are a time of togetherness with family and friends. But sometimes physical limitations can exclude seniors from participating in the season’s fun. Here are some activities that will bring the family together in a way that everyone can have a good time.
1. Watch a holiday movie. From the classic to the modern, there are plenty of movies created for the season. Sharing “It’s A Wonderful Life” with a grandchild can be very special. Or try something newer such as “Love Actually” to add some fun to the day.
2. Find some family movies. Even better than watching a holiday movie is bringing out those old home videos stored away in the attic. Reminisce and laugh together over good times from years ago.
3. Make holiday cards. Putting together holiday cards can be a huge task, but it’s a fun one if you have a little help. Instead of buying pre-made cards, create your own with stamps and glitter. Your cards’ recipients will appreciate the personal touch, and it will be a fun time to get creative together.
4. Get traditional. The holidays are a time of tradition, so keep them alive by talking about what’s important to your family. Have each person talk about what the holidays were like when they were children, and try to keep some of the traditions alive.
The holidays can be a magical time and seniors should have a chance to join in the fun. Include them in your holiday activities and you will bring cheer to the whole family. Freedom Home Care specializes in senior in-home care. Call us today and learn how we can make your holiday season even more enjoyable!