Monthly Archives December 2022

Welcome Fran Chiappetta!

We’re Excited to Introduce you to Fran Our Marketing Department is growing! Please join us as we welcome Fran Chiappetta to Freedom Home Care’s Business Development Team! Fran has been in the healthcare field for most of her career, including sales and development for durable medical equipment companies, as well as home health sales. Fran loves building and nurturing relationships, not only with business partners, but with clients and patients as well. She believes that everyone should be taken care of as though they were a member of her own family. If she can make one person’s job or situation
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Looking Out For Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal Affective Disorder Awareness Month December is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) Month. Seasonal Affective Disorder affects millions of Americans and it is more than just being sad. While living in darker regions can lead to higher rates of SAD, there is no limit to who it could affect. It’s important to take it seriously and know that there are things that can be done to recognize it as well as to treat it.   What is Seasonal Affective Disorder and What To Look Out For? Seasonal Affective Disorder is considered a type of depression that is brought on by recurring
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