Archives for Caregiver Appreciation

Freedom Home Care’s 2023 Caregiver of the Year: Joy Best

It’s always tough to choose a single caregiver of the year out of our many compassionate and dedicated caregivers. This year Joy was nominated for that title from many of her peers and clients. So we’d like to introduce you to our 2023 Caregiver of the Year: Joy Best! We were able to chat with Joy to learn more about her and her passion for caregiving.   Caregiver of the Year Q&A Q: I’m here with caregiver of the year, Joy Best today from Freedom Home Care and she was nominated caregiver of the year. We are so excited! One
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How to Show Your Caregivers You Care

Caregiver Appreciation Day Goes Beyond a Single Day Caregivers support our society as a whole in so many ways and often get overlooked. While caregiver appreciation day was earlier this month, it is important that support and appreciation is shown for the caregivers in our lives year round and often. Believe it or not, 29% of the U.S. population, that means over 65 million Americans are caregivers in some way. While both paid and unpaid caregivers should be appreciated, it is important to call out that, according to the U.S. Department of Labor, there are over 40 million Americans who
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