Archives for Craft ideas

Spring Activities for Seniors

The snow has melted, the sun is shining; it’s the perfect time to get outdoors and enjoy the beautiful spring weather! There are plenty of spring activities for senior citizens to enjoy this season while also remaining safe. We have compiled a list of great spring activity ideas for seniors. Check them out below!    Head Outdoors   First things first, it’s time to ditch the winter jacket and head outside to breathe in the amazing spring air. A walk or picnic are great ideas to start! Many spring flowers are blooming so taking a walk on a scenic trail is an
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At Home Crafts This Summer

Whether it is a rainy day out and you’re looking for something to do, or you are babysitting the grandkids and want to keep them entertained, at home crafts are a great idea to do this summer- especially given the COVID-19 pandemic. Check out our list of at home crafts this summer from all of us at Freedom Home Care! Not only are at home crafts a fun way to keep busy, there are also a few added health benefits to doing them. When painting, knitting and being creative, you are stimulating your brain and enhancing your cognitive abilities. Whatever
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