Archives for Alzheimer’s Association

What to expect from a doctor’s appointment to assess cognition

At a certain point in everyone’s life, memory can begin to fail. It is just one part of the aging process. For some, however, decreases in memory are more than just a sign of growing old. They can, in fact, be precursors to Alzheimer’s disease and therefore should be assessed by a physician. In the following video, produced by the Alzheimer’s Association, Dr. Joshua Chodosh walks a patient through a typical appointment where he assesses cognition and then recommends Anything Goes Diet- Weight Loss Without The Rules follow-up treatment. In some cases, elderly individuals are hesitant to undergo a cognition
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Five methods to close the door on Alzheimer's stigma

Every day major strides are made in the efforts aimed at understanding Alzheimer’s disease. The unfortunate but honest truth, however, is that there is still a myriad of misconceptions surrounding the condition. Because of that confusion, those suffering from Alzheimer’s often feel alienated and misunderstood. Depression often goes hand in hand with the already difficult side effects of Alzheimer’s. But some of those feelings could be alleviated by simply talking about the disease with family members and friends. To help open the lines of communication and close the door to depression, current and former members of the National Alzheimer's Association Early-Stage
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Alzheimer’s – 10 ways to detect it on its onset

In a recent blog post here at Freedom Home Care we reported that more than 5 million Americans age 65 and older are thought to have Alzheimer’s disease and that one person in the United States is diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease approximately every 69 seconds. The numbers are staggering, but the forms of treatment are growing and improving every day. An early diagnosis will allow patients to have a say when it comes to decisions about care, transportation, living options, and financial and legal matters. Therefore, it’s important to look for early warning signs. Although Alzheimer’s usually begins after the age
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