Archives for posture

Tips and Exercises to Improve Posture as We Age

Maintaining good posture is essential for overall health and well-being, especially as we age. People lose about half an inch of height every 10 years from their peak height on average. This becomes truer after age 70. While aging is normal, poor posture can lead to various musculoskeletal issues, affecting our flexibility, balance, and even our breathing. To help keep your body aligned and how to improve posture in old age, we’ve gathered some of the following valuable tips from Jamie Lens, a local physical therapist. Let’s dive into some practical advice that can make a significant difference in your
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FHC makes yoga accessible to patients for better posture and balance

Because we here at Freedom Home Care understand the importance of balance and posture for seniors, we have been hosting a weekly chair yoga class at the Homestead at Morton Grove. Each week, one of our RNs, who is also a licensed massage therapist, has led the class. And each week, residents have expressed gratitude for having the opportunity to participate in one of the world’s most popular ways to increase balance, flexibility and circulation and improve posture and overall health. To learn more about the yoga classes, contact Freedom Home Care or the folks at the Homestead at Morton Grove. In
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