Archives for Senior Exercise

Armchair Exercises

Exercise is an important part of living a healthy lifestyle. Exercise is very important for everyone, even elderly people. However, as you get older, exercise can seem more overwhelming. There are some easy and beneficial exercises for the elderly that only require you to have an armchair. Learn more about these exercises below. According to Very Well Fit, “For senior citizens who’ve lost a step or two in their later years, or who are battling the effects of chronic pain or disability due to injury or health condition, there are accessible exercise options that can improve strength, cardiovascular health, mobility, and balance,
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How The GYROTONIC® Method Helps Seniors

What is it called when you combine a treadmill, stair climber, rowing machine, Yoga and Pilates in one system of exercises: the GYROTONIC® Method. Developed in the early 80’s, the Gyrotonic method was created from the love of movement. Swimmer, dancer and gymnast, Juliu Horvath developed the Gyrotonic method by building on the principles of Yoga. He created a system of exercises that help practitioners move beyond the limitations in their bodies in order to increase movement, build strength and enhance agility. Initially designed as a way to help rehabilitate students suffering from injuries, Horvath’s new movement system was called “Yoga for Dancers.” As
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