Monthly Archives September 2014

Long-Distance Caregiving: When is it Too Much to Handle?

As lifespans are increasing and the number of seniors is growing in America, we are seeing the children who are acting as caregivers being torn between two places:  where the caregiver lives and where the senior lives. While long-distance care-giving can work for a time with regular visits, it often breaks down when emergencies happen.  What if the senior injures himself?  What if he or she falls and can’t get up? The worries never stop for a long-distance caregiver.  And often the caregiver must then make a difficult choice:  Should you move closer to your elderly loved one or should
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Study: When is it Too Late to Begin an Exercise Routine?

A recent study was conducted to answer the question, “When is it too late to benefit from an exercise program?”  And what was the answer they found?  It’s never too late. This study, lasting three years, targeted seniors aged 70-89 who were inactive and not in the best of health.  All participants were enrolled in a moderate weekly aerobics, balance, and stretching program. Their progress was closely followed. What researchers found was that the seniors who participated in the exercise program were 28% less likely to develop a persistent mobility problem compared to inactive seniors.  Not only that, but several
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The Power of Our Breath: Lecture by Susan Smolin, Registered Yoga Instructor, Breathing & Relaxation Coach

Life begins with our first breath. We  breathe in oxygen 10-16 or more times in the first minute of our life. We  will take about 100 million breaths,  before we take our last. The Power of our Breath is immense. To mind the breath is to make a decision. The second we choose to mind the breath, we have decided that this moment is worthy of our full attention. The instant we do this, we have extricated ourselves from the hold of the past and the pull of the future. We are living life today, not yesterday, not tomorrow. Breath
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Technology: Improving Quality of Life for Seniors with Hearing Loss

If you are a senior experiencing hearing loss, you aren’t alone.  One in three seniors over the age of 60 has some form of hearing loss, and the number jumps to one in two for those over 85.  And while not being able to hear clearly can be frustrating and inconvenient, technology is improving seniors’ quality of life, especially when it comes to hearing loss. Here are two ways technology is helping today’s seniors suffering from hearing loss: 1. Cochlear Implants.  Just a few years back, if you had hearing loss due to damage of the tiny hairs in the
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What is the Flu? What You Need to Know before Flu Season Hits

What is the Flu? Influenza, also called the “flu,” is a highly contagious respiratory infection. Flu can cause fever, chills, headache, dry cough, runny or stuffy nose, sore throat, and muscle aches. Unlike other common respiratory infections such as the common cold, influenza can cause extreme fatigue lasting several days to more than a week. Although nausea, vomiting and diarrhea can sometimes accompany influenza infection, especially in children, gastrointestinal symptoms are rarely prominent. The illness that people often call “stomach flu” is not influenza. Influenza is spread easily from person to person primarily when an infected person coughs or sneezes.
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