Monthly Archives June 2015

Join Us In Celebrating and Extending the Reach of Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month!

Did you know that June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month? Don’t worry if you didn’t, we understand! With many high-profile campaigns being mounted on behalf of undoubtedly deserving causes lately, suddenly popping up into the public eye and often seemingly disappearing almost as quickly, it can sometimes be tough to keep track of exactly where and how to stay in touch with the causes that really matter to you. This month, Freedom Home Care would like to take the excellent opportunity to see Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month not only as a short-term effort to raise visibility on relative
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Chicago Family Organizes 26 Mile Run For Alzheimer’s Awareness

Nearly five million adults in the U.S. suffer from Alzheimer’s, according to the National Institute on Aging. And while that number varies among experts, those of here at Freedom Home Care, your home care agency of Chicago, know that the effects of a disease like this one can radically alter the lifestyles of everyone it touches. Alzheimer’s or ALZ, is the most common form of dementia, the sixth leading cause of death in the U.S., and by some estimates, the third leading cause of death in older Americans. Many people caring for loved ones with Alzheimer’s seek help and support in
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New Research Finds More Ways to Prevent Cataracts, While Others Create Bionic Lenses

At Freedom Home Care, we’ve heard if we eat our carrots we’ll have great vision, but has anyone told you to eat your spinach for the same results? Sure, we associate the leafy green with strong PopEye muscles, but in a recent study done by a team at Qingdao University Medical College in China, it turns out that maybe spinach has been the answer to our vision problems all along. The study, involving nearly a quarter of a million people, found that foods that are rich in vitamin E, like spinach, seed and broccoli, are incredibly beneficial for the health
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The Importance of Staying Hydrated

We have heard time and time again how important it is for us to stay hydrated.  From our parents when we were young to our doctors as we get older, water consumption is reiterated as one of the most important things you can do for your body every day.  Many of our vital life processes rely on keeping a certain level of hydration and dipping too far below that level can lead to drastic consequences. Freedom Home Care understands that hydration is certainly very important in the elderly.  Improper hydration can lead to blood pressure issues as well as  kidney
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Summer Skin Care Tips For Seniors

We’re all familiar with the phrase “soaking up the sun.” But how much do we know about the effects that taking in too much sun can have on our bodies? The UV rays from the sun tend to cause damage to the elastin in our skin, destroying the body’s collagen. Elastin helps our skin snap back into its normal position. The sun breaks down these fibers in the skin causing sagging, stretching, and bruising. Over time, skin loses its elasticity and wrinkles begin to form. Over exposure to the sun also causes dry skin, freckles, brown spots, and sun burn. The pursuit
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