Archives for Joint Pain

Gyro-What? This Rapidly Growing Workout Seeks to Lengthen, Strengthen, and Heal

No, not the food Gyro- we’re talking about the Gyrotonic exercise technique. At Freedom Home Care, we have a solution to provide your arthritis and hypermobile joints some relief. Find out what the gyro is all about at your home care agency.   Some people who have tried the Gyrotonic technique say they felt immediate relief and after about six months, patients found their overall biomechanics were much stronger. So what is this not-so-famous technique that is providing people with fast relief?   Gyrotonic is a form of allowing your body to always stay moving and changing directions. Similar to
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How to Reduce Joint Pain in the Colder Months

With the temperatures starting to lower, it’s not uncommon to hear complaints about increased joint pain. It is believed that there’s a common factor between the changing temperatures and precipitation levels, and the pain they experience within their bodies. According to a study, 2/3 of people interviewed about chronic pain said that they experienced most of their pain in the colder seasons. Most people said that they could tell when the weather was about to change because they felt pain in the days prior. Below, are some ways to prevent some of the chronic pain you may experience. Dress in
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