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Why Seniors Want Home Care

According to a recent study, 87% of seniors would prefer to age in place by remaining at home.  But, why are the number of seniors in nursing homes and hospitals on the rise?  Here are three reasons why seniors today aren’t getting what they want, and what to do about it. 1. Seniors aren’t planning in advance.  An active, healthy man in his 60’s might not think that he needs to worry about the future.  But what he isn’t considering is that it only takes one bad fall to require help for daily activities.  If he begins to think about
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4 Common Alzheimer’s Myths Debunked

Alzheimer’s is one of the most misunderstood diseases out there, and yet it is also one of the most deadly.  Affecting nearly one in eight senior Americans, Alzheimer’s can’t be ignored or dismissed.  There is a ton of information circulating about this disease and it becomes difficult to know what to believe and what to ignore. Get yourself up to speed by learning the truth behind these four Alzheimer’s myths. Myth 1. “If I’m under 65, I don’t need to worry.” While it’s true that Alzheimer’s mainly affects those over 65, it doesn’t mean that you are totally immune when
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Dr. Stuart P. Richer, OD, PhD, Gives Advice on Maintaining Adult Eye Health

Glaucoma is a disease that can affect people of all ages, but one that seniors are at a particularly higher risk for.  It is considered the most preventable cause of vision loss, but if left untreated, can cause damage to the eye’s optic nerve and result in irreversible vision loss, and even total blindness. The disease tends to run in families and most often occurs in people over the age of 60. January is Glaucoma Awareness Month, and to help spread the word, we had the wonderful opportunity to sit down with Dr. Stuart P. Richer, OD, PhD, Director, Ocular Preventive Medicine,
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Hormone Therapy Can Prevent Disease for the Elderly: Interview with Dr. Cheryl Perlis, M.D.

In a recent interview with Dr. Cheryl Perlis, M.D., we learned a lot about the benefits of hormone therapy and supplements in preventing everything from serious diseases like dementia and heart disease, as well as preventing more common every day symptoms like fatigue, weight gain, sleeping difficulties, and thinning hair.  How did you get into the field of hormone therapy, and what are the basics that we should know about how it works?  I founded Perlis Wellness Center in 2004, after practicing conventional obstetrics and gynecology for 15 years.  I became interested in cosmetic medicine and trained with the elite physicians in using Botox and dermal
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Start Planning Now To Avoid the Worst

No one likes planning for the future.  It’s tedious, frustrating, and forces us to think about things that we perhaps would rather not.  However, when you plan long-term care for seniors early, you will be less likely to have to make snap decisions or miss something later on. When you begin to plan for the senior’s future, keep these key items in mind: Paperwork: Even though organizing paperwork doesn’t sound like fun, it can avoid headaches in the future.  Make sure that family members not only know where wills are located, but also know about bank accounts, insurance information, doctor
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Does Beauty Sleep Really Work?

We’ve all heard the old wives’ tales.  Get a decent amount of “beauty sleep” and you will resist aging for longer.  But are the stories true? According to new research, it appears so.  While you’re off in dreamland, your skin, brain, and other organs are in fix-it mode. The cells get repaired so that they can function optimally for longer.  This means fewer wrinkles, a stronger memory, and a healthier body. Knowing the importance of beauty sleep does not help you get it though.  Next is the challenge to fall asleep and stay that way.  Here are some tips to
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Researchers Study How Music Affects Senior Health

Can seniors sing their way to good health?  The University of California San Francisco has decided to find out. UCSF is conducting a study to see if singing in a community choir will improve the health outcomes of seniors.  They are forming several choirs around the city and will throughout the study monitor senior health, memory and mood. To join these choirs is simple:  one must be over 60 and willing to meet for 90-minutes every week.  No previous singing experience required!  Just a willingness to be a part of something fun. This project is going to span over four
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Fight Inflammation with Fish Oil

These days, everyone seems to be taking fish oil for something. Doctors, chiropractors, and naturopaths are suggesting it for everything from diabetes to knee pain. But is it science or is it quackery? The latest studies point to science. Research examined exactly what happens when DHA from fish oil enters the body. The DHA was taken in by large white blood cells called macrophages. These macrophages go to the site of infection or injury and “eat” whatever bacteria, virus, or dead cells they find to neutralize the situation. When DHA entered macrophages, they changed from macrophages that create inflammation to
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Senior Fair Teaches Veterans About Benefits

Romeoville saw an influx of seniors last month when U.S. Rep. Dan Lipinski hosted a Senior Fair.  Lipinski organized this event to connect people with organizations and associations that help seniors.  It was a success with many seniors in attendance. And what was learned from this event?  That many seniors don’t know the options available to them. It was found that veterans were unaware of the benefits that they could be receiving for their health.  With the dangerous chemicals used in Vietnam, where many served, former soldiers have been diagnosed with serious health conditions.  Many senior veterans are unaware that
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"Senior Proms" Aren’t Just For Teens

Rent that tuxedo, buy that corsage, and get ready to boogie the night away.  It’s prom season!  And the festivities are no longer exclusively for teens. reports that proms for seniors are becoming popular across the country. With the help of local volunteers, these Senior Proms provide an evening for seniors to mingle with friends, dance to tunes from their youth, and dress in their finest.  The evening usually begins with a cocktail hour – something you won’t find at your average high school prom.  Then the festivities progress to dancing, multi-course dinners, and sometimes even the announcement of the
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