Archives for exercise

Living past 100 – secrets of centenarians

Yesterday, we here at Freedom Home Care reported that the world lost its oldest member. Besse Cooper peacefully passed away after 116 years on the planet, and in an interview with Guinness World Records, she attributed her long life to minding her own business and not eating junk food. And although only eight others have ever lived to such an age, many do live past 100. The question, therefore, surrounds the secrets of their longevity. In an article published by Everyday Health, “researchers believe that both genetics and lifestyle behaviors play an important part in a centenarian’s health and longevity.”
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FHC makes yoga accessible to patients for better posture and balance

Because we here at Freedom Home Care understand the importance of balance and posture for seniors, we have been hosting a weekly chair yoga class at the Homestead at Morton Grove. Each week, one of our RNs, who is also a licensed massage therapist, has led the class. And each week, residents have expressed gratitude for having the opportunity to participate in one of the world’s most popular ways to increase balance, flexibility and circulation and improve posture and overall health. To learn more about the yoga classes, contact Freedom Home Care or the folks at the Homestead at Morton Grove. In
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8 holiday gift ideas for seniors

Braving the Black Friday throngs might not be for everyone. However, giving gifts to the loved ones in our lives is truly the reason for the season. So whether you bypassed the long lines or went for it, credit cards a’ blazin’, we here at Freedom Home Care thought that we would share a few ideas for those still shopping for the seniors on their holiday list. The following ideas are courtesy of Yahoo: 1. Gift Cards, Prepaid Phone Cards and Gift Certificates Most senior citizens live on a fixed income and money is a constant concern. One of the
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Learning the basic movements of Sun tai chi with Dr. Mike Neskovic

Yesterday, we here at Freedom Home Care posted a blog about tai chi and the benefits that the ancient form of exercise can offer elderly individuals. Therefore, for today’s blog, we felt compelled to post a video that can get the aging loved ones in our life started on a new path toward exercise and healthy living. The video highlights Sun-style tai chi, which is recognized by the American Arthritis Foundation as the official tai chi for arthritis. When seniors choose to follow along with Dr. Mike Neskovic, they quickly discover that the movements are gracious, slow and rhythmic. The
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Finding balance through tai chi

The Chinese have long been known for their unique way of living, which has produced some of the healthiest yet oldest individuals on the planet. It is a way of life that combines both body and mind. And at the heart of it lies tai chi, an ancient martial art that has been practiced for centuries for both its defense purposes as well as its health benefits. “Deeply rooted in Chinese meditation, medicine, and martial arts, tai chi (pronounced ”tie chee”) combines mental concentration with slow, controlled movements to focus the mind, challenge the body, and improve the flow of
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Helpful advice from the CDC on stroke prevention

According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control, strokes are a leading cause of death in the United States. Approximately 130,000 Americans die each year because of strokes, which accounts for 1 of every 18 deaths. The CDC goes on to explain that “every year, more than 795,000 people in the United States have a stroke. About 610,000 of these are first or new strokes. One in four are recurrent strokes.” Despite the numbers, however, there are many ways to prevent strokes from happening. Here are a few recommendations from the CDC to lower your risk for stroke: Eat a healthy diet. Choosing healthful meal
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Considering a pet for your aging loved one

In the article “Our Pets, Our Health,” published by the Pet Information Bureau in Washington, D.C., editors explained the mental health benefits that can come from having a cat or dog in the home. And although there is some work associated with keeping a pet, there can be even greater rewards for it. “Many of us occasionally feel alienated from others and some of us, such as the elderly…feel this loneliness even more acutely,” the article explains. “Pets can help bridge this isolation by serving as a social catalyst between young and old.” As more and more aging individuals choose to live
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Sit and be fit with Mary Ann Wilson

Yesterday, we here at Freedom Home Care reported on the importance of maintaining healthy bones, joints and muscles in order to increase coordination and balance. In our post, we talked about the benefits that come from weight-bearing activities like taking a walk. Understanding that all older individuals might not have the mobility to get out of the home, we are happy to take advantage of the exercises suggested by the PBS series, Sit and be Fit. In it, Mary Ann Wilson focuses on healthy activities that can take place while sitting in any household chair. For the video that we’ve
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Sleeping your way to 100

The next time you hear the ridiculous phrase, “I’ll sleep when I’m dead,” you may want to let the individual know that their chances of reaching age 100 could be slim as long as a good night’s sleep isn’t part of the equation. According to a Wall Street Journal article, extra sleep and a healthy diet equate to a longer life lived. The primary findings of a United Healthcare study that looked at centenarians and baby boomers and the possibility of reaching the age of 100 revealed that “many boomers are embracing lifestyles that could lead to a long and rewarding
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Getting health benefits from video games

It’s a beautiful, sunny Saturday afternoon, and chances are that a lot of Chicagoland kids are inside playing video games. As adults, whether it be a parent or a grandparent, it should be our responsibility to get those kids off the couch and outside. And then once Chicago’s youth have taken a deep breath of fresh air, we adults, should then feel it our responsibility to pick up those controllers and start playing video games where the kids left off. Although it might sound a bit odd, a recent Wall Street Journal post titled “How Video Games Keep Seniors Fit,” discussed
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