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Learn About Low Vision Awareness Month
American Heart Month Caregiver Services Health Awareness Health Tips

Learn About Low Vision Awareness Month

February is Low Vision Awareness Month This month is the month to check in on your visual health! Millions of...
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Meet The Clients: Robert Jones
Freedom Home Care Meet The Clients

Meet The Clients: Robert Jones

Robert Jones is a very prolific and talented client of ours! We recently got to sit down with him and...
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How to Stick to Your New Year’s Resolutions
Elderly Care Health Tips Healthy Living

How to Stick to Your New Year’s Resolutions

Struggling to Stick to New Year’s Resolutions The new year can often start out strong when we make a lot...
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Manager of the Month: Jenanne Rock
Freedom Home Care Freedom Home Care Staff

Manager of the Month: Jenanne Rock

"Hello!!! I’m so excited to be able to start to share more information with you all….on the team at Freedom...
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Learning About Thyroid Awareness Month
Health Awareness Health Tips Thyroid Awareness

Learning About Thyroid Awareness Month

This month is thyroid awareness month 2023. Every year we spend a month helping the American Thyroid Association get the...
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Year in Review: 2022
Blood Donation Community Decorating Tips Freedom Home Care Fun Health Fair Holiday

Year in Review: 2022

At Freedom Home Care, we love giving back to the community by either hosting or sponsoring events. This year has...
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Welcome Fran Chiappetta!
Caregiver Services Freedom Home Care Staff

Welcome Fran Chiappetta!

We're Excited to Introduce you to Fran Our Marketing Department is growing! Please join us as we welcome Fran Chiappetta...
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Looking Out For Seasonal Affective Disorder
Health Tips Mental Health Tips Winter Senior Tips

Looking Out For Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal Affective Disorder Awareness Month December is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) Month. Seasonal Affective Disorder affects millions of Americans and...
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Meet Our Newest Wellness Team Member: Katie Sells
Caregivers Welcome to Freedom Home Care

Meet Our Newest Wellness Team Member: Katie Sells

We'd love to give a huge welcome to our newest Wellness Team member, Katie Sells! We're excited to have her...
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November Hero of The Month
Freedom Home Care Staff Hero of the Month

November Hero of The Month

We're honoring another amazing Hero of the Month this November. This caregiver has shown us all what dedication and compassion...
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What are the Signs of Lung Cancer?
Cancer Diagnosis Health Tips

What are the Signs of Lung Cancer?

Lung cancer is often overlooked because people think it’s only associated with smoking, but really it affects those who have...
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Healthy Ingredients to Swap Into Recipes
Health Tips Healthy diet Healthy Living nutrition

Healthy Ingredients to Swap Into Recipes

Eating is such a joy. Food brings comfort or excitement or, at the very least, sustenance. When looking to change...
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October Heroes of The Month
Freedom Home Care Staff Hero of the Month

October Heroes of The Month

We're honoring more amazing Heroes of the Month this October. These caregivers have shown us all what dedication and compassion...
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Taking Care of Your Bone and Joint Health
Caregiving Exercise Health Awareness Health Tips Healthy diet

Taking Care of Your Bone and Joint Health

Don’t Overlook Your Bones and Joints It was just bones and joints health week! There are so many different things...
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Learn What Care You Need This Health Literacy Month
Care Health Awareness Home Care

Learn What Care You Need This Health Literacy Month

Health Literacy Month Health literacy is so crucial as everyone at some point in their life will encounter the health...
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Community Food Drive
Community Events Food Drive Uncategorized

Community Food Drive

In an effort to give back to the community, we will be taking part in a food drive for the...
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Am I Up to Date on My Immunizations?
Flu Season Health Awareness Vaccinations

Am I Up to Date on My Immunizations?

Who are Immunizations for? While the COVID vaccine has been top of mind recently, there’s a whole lineup of vaccines...
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Summer Sun Safety Month in Highland Park
Freedom Home Care Tips Health Awareness Summer safety

Summer Sun Safety Month in Highland Park

The summer may be winding down but the sun is still fierce! More people are diagnosed with skin cancer each...
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August Heroes of The Month
Freedom Home Care Staff Hero of the Month

August Heroes of The Month

We're honoring two amazing caregivers as August's Heroes of the Month. These women have exemplified what it means to serve...
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Hydrate This Summer with Fruit Infused Water
Health Tips Healthy diet Hot Weather Tips Summer safety

Hydrate This Summer with Fruit Infused Water

Getting Creative with Summer Hydration The summer is just starting to heat up so it’s important to hydrate now more...
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